Income is very important, it is like air – without it you can’t do much.

I want to talk to you about creating 5 forms of income.


Whether you are a check out chick or a judge – the bottom line is still the same, when your job stops so does the income and for most people It’s going on a pension and living on less than $35 a day.

At OneLife we look at a 4 step process to financial freedom.

This 4 step process includes:

  1. Income – increasing cashflow and creating multiple income streams
  2. Debt and expenses – we start working on minimising your debt and your expenses
  3. Build assets that create income
  4. Create a financial fortress – this is the end goal!

All 4 of those steps require cashflow.

And to create cashflow YOU MUST GET REAL ABOUT YOUR LIFE!

No one is going to do this for you. You must participate in your own rescue – choose the vehicle that you wish to focus on, Property, Enterprise or other options there are over 100 different vehicles for creating income.

Swapping your time for money on an hourly basis is not the solution and that is why 95% of Australians will end up on the pension.

Step 1. Add 2 new incomes in the first year – it could be property trading, share trading, online business.

Step 2. Remember that this is not a get rich quick scheme, this is not going to happen overnight – it is a process. Raising your standards, learning new skills and talents to create the income you deserve.

Step 3. This is going to require DISCIPLINE to learn the talent to create the income streams – You will need to make changes and you will need to be committed. You will need to be able to experience short term pain for a long term gain.

Step 4. You will need to make a DECISION to create massive change – and stick to it.

Some of you might have told yourself a story that to start Property Trading, or a new business that you need money. Well I want to let you in on a little secret, you don’t need money you just need an intention.

Once you have made a decision, the process won’t be easy, however it is simple. We have a 3 Step Plan and we invite you to take the time now and get into action on yours.

Step 1 Know Where You Are Now & Step 2 Know Where You Want to Go – Download Your Benchmark  – this will help you get clear on these 2 steps.

Step 3 Know How to get there – Book a Freedom Discovery Call with our LifeStyle Specialists to help you create this strategy.



Written by onelifegroupblog

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