Self Love

The most important love you will ever find is  – love for yourself

Love is always a mirror and the level of love you have for yourself will determine the amount of love you will have for others and in turn how much love others will have for you.


In an era of Social Media and people very outwardly seeking validation from others it is important that we remember that true love comes from within and how valuable it can be for our own happiness and success to let go of the need to be loved by everyone.

Self love is the most empowering love of all and if you love yourself and you are caring and respectful to others, people will show up accordingly.

How much time are you spending loving yourself? Here a 10 quick tips for filling your own love cup daily!

  1. Begin your day with love

Remind yourself of your worthiness before getting out of bed. Breathe in love and breathe out love. Enfold yourself in light and saturate yourself with love. Try doing this before looking at any devices or scrolling through your social media news feed.

  1. Take time to meditate

Last week we spoke about the 5 love languages and meditation is having ‘quality time’ with yourself! Spend quality time focusing inward daily. Begin with five minutes of meditation so that it is easily achievable even in the busiest schedule and allows you to be consistent

  1. Words of affirmation

Also one of the 5 love languages – it is important to speak to yourself with great love, just as you would speak to your partner, children and friends. Use affirmations to remind yourself how loved you are and to increase positive thoughts.

  1. Get REAL and FEEL

Let go of numbing your feelings with ‘stuff’. Shopping, eating, and drinking are examples of avoiding discomfort, sadness, and pain. Mindfully breathe your way through your feelings and emotions. Eckhart Tolle says that in order to transform suffering we must first allow ourselves to feel the suffering. Bless it, love it and let it go.

  1. Surrender.

Be willing to surrender and grow. Life is a journey. We are here to learn and love on a deeper level. Take everything one step at a time and trust that sometimes the universe has a far greater plan for us than we could ever have for ourselves.

  1. Own your potential.

Love yourself enough to believe in the limitless opportunities available to you. Take action and create a beautiful life for yourself. Be true to yourself, if you don’t know what your purpose is yet, then spend some time discovering it.

  1. Be kind to yourself

Let go of fear and doubt. Trust in yourself, trust the process, set clear SMARTIES goals and see them manifest, take action and you will see results.

  1. Live in Gratitude.

Appreciate your own unique gifts and talents, beauty, and brilliance. Love your imperfectly perfect self and be grateful for everything that you are.

  1. Be guided by your intuition.

It is true that all answers come from within. Always look for signs and pay attention to your gut instinct – this is usually your higher self/ intuition guiding you. At any given time, you will usually have 2 voices inside your head especially when it comes time to make an important decision. The quiet voice is your higher self; the loud voice is your ego. Always go with the quieter voice as it has your highest interests at heart, the ego does not want you to succeed.

  1. Honour yourself.

Set boundaries and speak your truth. Let go of the need to people please. You will never please everyone or be everyone’s cup of tea so it is important to be true to yourself.

Click here to download our ultimate goal guide – practice self-love by setting clearly defined goals and seeing them manifest

Written by onelifegroupblog

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