Accountability Buddies

Can you believe we are already in April, how did the first quarter of 2019 come and go so quickly? Time is moving at an accelerated rate and now more than ever we need to ensure we are not getting left behind. How are your goals tracking for the year? Have you been making some traction or have you been caught up in the wash? If you have been having some success so far, then we congratulate you! It’s time to power up for Quarter 2 and stay on track! If not, that is ok too – you still have 9 incredible months of opportunity before you to ensure you reach your full potential in 2019!

Your goals are within your reach, you just need stay accountable! And the very best way to keep accountable to be committed is to get an accountability buddy.


In school we are taught built in accountability because we are answerable to a teacher, or perhaps a sporting coach or mentor. But once we get out into the ‘real world’ with grown up goals like starting a business, losing weight or becoming debt free there is typically no accountability for us to get it done!

Enter the Accountability Buddy, Purpose Partner or what ever you would like to call them.

Accountability buddies can help us make significant progress, support us to stay on track and even better if you and your buddy are working towards a common goal, you will be able to share the trials and tribulations of your journey together! Surrounding ourselves with people invested in our success is the best way to ensure achievement.

“Environment is stronger than will power”

So once you’ve found an accountability buddy, there are 4 simple steps to make this newfound relationship a huge SUCCESS!

  1. Know Your Outcome – Create a plan and commit.

Decide how often you’ll meet. At least once a week is a good starting point, however daily check ins via texts or other communication channels will create an excellent platform to motivate each other, whilst always keeping the goal in the forefront of your mind. Once you have set a time and day to meet, it’s time to make an absolute commitment to sticking to that meeting.

  1. Support your buddy (and yourself) to set SMARTIES goals.

When we have a general goal like “get fit”, the failure comes in not knowing where to start. Without getting clear on the finer details of that goal, we are left wondering what we need do this month, week or today to make that goal happen.

Remember to follow the SMARTIES principle to create effective goals.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Tangible
  • Inspirational
  • Emotional
  • Successful
  1. Create an honesty policy

To create absolute accountability the relationship needs to be built on a foundation of complete truth and honesty. Some times you may need to be brutally honest with your buddy and this might make you feel uncomfortable. However if you make an agreement with your buddy from the very beginning and seek permission to always give honest feedback then you will both know what to expect.

  1. Ask better questions

Great coaches and mentors ask questions because they know it’s the best way to get to the real heart of any matter.

When you say you were too busy to exercise this week, is that the total truth?

Chances are you had time to watch the Bachelorette or go on social outings with friends, so what really prevented you from keeping your word to yourself? Maybe you were nervous about walking into a new gym, or fearing the judgement of others because you are out of shape.

By asking better questions, you and your buddy can break through invisible barriers and also even identify the subtle self-sabotage that takes place when we are working towards important goals.

  1. Make it fun and celebrate your success.

A little bit of competitive spirit will go a long way. Set weekly goals with your buddy and place a wager on who will reach the goal first. Also remember to celebrate your successes; it doesn’t hurt to have some fun!

If you would like some assistance with your goals and staying accountable then register now for a FREE call with one of our Consultants and they can be one of your new Accountability Buddies.

Written by onelifegroupblog

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